Kilder dominans-artikler
Den misuppfattade dominansen - Per Jensen
Wolves-dingoes-and-other-feral-dogs-cooperate- but-do-they-coordinate
Leadership in Wolf, Canis Lupus. David Mech
Alpha Status, Dominance, and Division of Laborin Wolf PacksbyL. David Mech
The-concept formerly described as dominance - Patricia McConnell
The d-word and social relationships in dogs - Patricia McConnell
APDT position-statements/dominance
Dr Sophia Yin - Dominance
Tough love- A meditation on Dominance and Dogs
If not do we explain the developement of social behavior
Roger Abrantes - Dominance making sense of the nonsense
Dominans og overtro. Fakta eller overtro.- Barry Eaton
In defence of dogs. John Bradshaw
Dogs – a new understanding of canine origin, behavior and evolution - Coppinger
Dominans og lederskap - Manimal
Hvorfor er det galt å bruke dominansteori for å forklare atferd hos hunder - Manimal
Slapp av-du er allerede en alfa - Hun om hund
Using dominance to explain dog behavior is old hat
Dominance Position Statement - AVSAB
Observation skills for training dogs
Fighting dominance in a dog whispering world
Beyond Cesar Millan(filer)
Modern dog training and behaviour advice (filer)
8 reasons why dogs are not pack animals
The truth about wolves and dogs 1
The truth about wolves and dogs 2
The truth about wolves and dogs 4
David Mech Alpha wolf?
Din hund er ikke en ulv - Artikelserie om domesticering tamhunde og ulve
Whatever happened to the term alpha wolf?- David Mech
Boitani, L. and Ciucci, P. (1995). Comparative social ecology of feral dogs and wolves. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 7: 49-72.
Dominance in the domestic dog - A response to Schilder et al revised
Age-graded dominance hierarchies and tolerance in packs of free ranging dogs
Dominance relationships in a group of domestic dogs
Se forøvrig min hundefaglige cv for seminarer og organisasjoner
Wolves-dingoes-and-other-feral-dogs-cooperate- but-do-they-coordinate
Leadership in Wolf, Canis Lupus. David Mech
Alpha Status, Dominance, and Division of Laborin Wolf PacksbyL. David Mech
The-concept formerly described as dominance - Patricia McConnell
The d-word and social relationships in dogs - Patricia McConnell
APDT position-statements/dominance
Dr Sophia Yin - Dominance
Tough love- A meditation on Dominance and Dogs
If not do we explain the developement of social behavior
Roger Abrantes - Dominance making sense of the nonsense
Dominans og overtro. Fakta eller overtro.- Barry Eaton
In defence of dogs. John Bradshaw
Dogs – a new understanding of canine origin, behavior and evolution - Coppinger
Dominans og lederskap - Manimal
Hvorfor er det galt å bruke dominansteori for å forklare atferd hos hunder - Manimal
Slapp av-du er allerede en alfa - Hun om hund
Using dominance to explain dog behavior is old hat
Dominance Position Statement - AVSAB
Observation skills for training dogs
Fighting dominance in a dog whispering world
Beyond Cesar Millan(filer)
Modern dog training and behaviour advice (filer)
8 reasons why dogs are not pack animals
The truth about wolves and dogs 1
The truth about wolves and dogs 2
The truth about wolves and dogs 4
David Mech Alpha wolf?
Din hund er ikke en ulv - Artikelserie om domesticering tamhunde og ulve
Whatever happened to the term alpha wolf?- David Mech
Boitani, L. and Ciucci, P. (1995). Comparative social ecology of feral dogs and wolves. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 7: 49-72.
Dominance in the domestic dog - A response to Schilder et al revised
Age-graded dominance hierarchies and tolerance in packs of free ranging dogs
Dominance relationships in a group of domestic dogs
Se forøvrig min hundefaglige cv for seminarer og organisasjoner